A peek into the good life by Rita Wilkins. Rita is a renowned expert in decluttering and minimalism, empowering individuals to simplify their lives through practical tips and resources, while also captivating audiences as a professional speaker and author.

Top 8 Lessons I Learned from My Mom About Keeping It Simple

By Rita WilkinsThe Downsizing Designer Have you ever sat down to make a list of all of the things you learned from your mother? In all of these years, I’ve never actually made a list, but once I got started, I couldn’t stop! So far, I have 73 items on my list. I was amazed [...]

Kids And Clutter: Small Steps You Can Take to Stay Organized

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer If you have young kids or grandkids there’s probably nothing more beautiful than to watch them immersed in play. That’s how they learn, that’s how they develop and grow. I would like you to keep those beautiful moments in mind as I share a few ideas with you about [...]

By |2023-02-06T12:33:08+00:00April 14th, 2022|8 Decluttering Methods., A Peek into Your Good Life, decluttering tips, Home Decorating, lifestyle, Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer.|Comments Off on Kids And Clutter: Small Steps You Can Take to Stay Organized

Downsizing And Starting Over in Your 60s Is Emotional: How to Design the Life You Really Want

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer If you’re in your 60s or 70s, perhaps you have already downsized. You might be saying, “Why didn’t I downsize sooner?” You might be experiencing a home and a lifestyle that is better suited for you at this stage of your life. You have more time, energy, and freedom [...]

By |2022-02-17T11:24:54+00:00February 17th, 2022|A Peek into Your Good Life, Aging in place, baby boomer downsizing, Baby Boomers, Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer., simplicity, simplify your life, Starting the Good Life|Comments Off on Downsizing And Starting Over in Your 60s Is Emotional: How to Design the Life You Really Want

Why Declutter Your Home? 

Are You Ready To Downsize And Declutter?  If so, you’re in the right place. Hi, I’m Rita Wilkins – known to many as the Downsizing Designer! There are many out there who want to learn how to declutter their homes but simply aren’t sure how to get started. That’s where I step in. I was [...]

Busy Peoples Quick Start Guide to Decluttering and Getting Organized

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer Do you find yourself saying…? “I’m too busy to find time to declutter and it’s too emotional for me to deal with.” “I have a hard enough time just keeping up with everything I have on my plate.” “I want to have a simpler, less cluttered house and life, [...]

By |2023-08-23T08:11:27+00:00February 8th, 2022|8 Decluttering Methods., A Peek into Your Good Life, baby boomer downsizing, decluttering tips, lifestyle, motivation, Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer., simplicity, simplify your life|Comments Off on Busy Peoples Quick Start Guide to Decluttering and Getting Organized

Forgotten What Day of the Week It Is? Maybe It’s Time for a New Adventure

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer Have you found yourself asking what day of the week it is? After a year of wearing masks, not being able to travel to see family and friends, there’s no wonder it all seems like a big blur. And FYI, you are not alone! So many people I talk [...]

By |2023-03-13T11:32:08+00:00June 17th, 2021|A Peek into Your Good Life, freedom, lifestyle, personal growth, simplicity, simplify your life, Starting the Good Life, travel, trending|Comments Off on Forgotten What Day of the Week It Is? Maybe It’s Time for a New Adventure

Downsize by Decluttering

Downsizing is on the minds of many Americans…especially now! And, particularly with Baby Boomers who are or will become empty nesters in the not too distant future. With fewer day-to-day responsibilities, they’ve suddenly discovered more time and freedom to pursue interests that have been put on the back burner. And, even if you’re not a [...]

Do You Have a Love-Hate Relationship with Your Bathroom?

Do You Want to Fall in Love All Over Again? By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer It might surprise you, but according to a survey by “Bathroom Habits,” the average American spends: 3o minutes each day in the bathroom. 182 hours each year. And, that’s just the average! And, that’s a whole lot of time [...]

By |2021-02-01T12:27:57+00:00September 1st, 2020|A Peek into Your Good Life, Baby Boomers, Bathroom Remodel, Decorating, Design, design trends, Home Decorating, Interior design, Interiors, Space Planning, trending|Comments Off on Do You Have a Love-Hate Relationship with Your Bathroom?

Empty Nester? What’s Next?

You just dropped off your youngest child at college and moved him into his dorm.  The ride home seems longer.  It’s quiet and tearful. You walk through the front door of your home where there are no more lacrosse sticks or gym bags to trip over.  There are no dirty socks on the family room [...]

Secrets to Living a Vacation Mindset Everyday

It was sure a bitter cold evening, a fire was blazing in the fireplace, and we carefully sipped the hot toddies that we cupped in our hands. I was sitting between my beloved ex-mother and father-in-law on their tiny, well-worn loveseat. I listened intently to story after story of their many trips taken during their [...]

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