Rita Wilkins Decluttering and minimalism blog
An image of a women who is embracing her simple lifestyle with less.

Simple Living Explained: A Day in the Life of a Minimalist

Why does simple living seem so hard and almost impossible to achieve? The reality is that it’s not hard, and it is possible, but there are so many misconceptions about simple living and minimalism that if you listen to the naysayers, it’s no wonder people believe that simple living is ...

Simple Daily Habits to Declutter and Simplify Your Life 

Hi, I'm Rita Wilkins, also known as the Downsizing Designer. I'm thrilled to introduce you to my new YouTube series, "Five in Five," where I'll be sharing five transformative decluttering tips in just five minutes every Wednesday. These quick and effective strategies are designed to help you streamline your home ...
An image of a woman who has successfully downsized and decluttered her life for a minimalist lifestyle.

Want an Incredible Upgrade? My Top 5 Reasons to Declutter, Downsize, and Live in a Smaller Home

For the past 8 years, I have been passionate about inspiring others to downsize, declutter, and embrace living with less so they can live more. One of the most common challenges we face today, regardless of age, is that we live with too much stuff, leading to distraction, stress, and ...

How to Simplify Your Life with a Minimalist Mindset 

Hi, I’m Reena Wilkins, also known as the Downsizing Designer. Welcome to my "Five in Five" series, where I share five quick tips in just five minutes about decluttering and simplifying your life. Before we get started, let me ask you a question: Do you ever wish your life was ...
An image of a middle aged couple handling a room makeover of their child going for college.

The Empty Nest Makeover: Get Ready for Your Next Chapter!

There is a bittersweet transition that occurs in many homes at this time each year when our kids head off to college, and parents start their own new journey as empty nesters. Are you one of the thousands of parents navigating the emotional and physical transition to an empty nest? ...
An image of different ways on how you can have clutter-free zones in your home.

How to Motivate Yourself to Declutter and Simplify Your Life 

Hi everyone, it’s Rita Wilkins, the Downsizing Designer, back with my five quick tips in five minutes to help you declutter and simplify your life. Today’s tips are all about how to motivate yourself to declutter, even when you don’t feel like it. Let's get started! 1. Invite Friends Over ...
A donation box in every home keeps clutter away.

The Donation Box: A Must for Every Clutter-Free Home

Decluttering is an ongoing process. One of the best ways to help you develop a minimalist mindset and lifestyle is to establish a place for a donation box in your home. Start Your Decluttering Journey Through Small Effective Habits Make a habit of putting things that you don’t want, need, ...
An image of a woman sorting and organizing her stuff for donation, keep and discard.

How to Maintain a Minimalist Home with Weekly Decluttering Tasks 

Hi, welcome back everyone! It's Rita Wilkins, the Downsizing Designer. Thank you for the amazing response to last week's debut of my new series, "Rita’s Five in Five." Today, I want to talk to you about the incredible benefits of incorporating short weekly decluttering tasks into your routine. By setting ...
A woman who just discovered the 30-day Clutter-Free Strategy That Works.

A 30-Day Clutter-Free Strategy That Works!

With summer coming to an end in just a few short weeks, many of us are thinking about getting back on track with our decluttering projects that we started earlier in the year. Rather than thinking of it as an overwhelming task, try taking on the mindset of accomplishing your ...