Downsizing in your 70s posts by Rita Wilkins. Rita is a renowned expert in decluttering and minimalism, empowering individuals to simplify their lives through practical tips and resources, while also captivating audiences as a professional speaker and author.

When I Saw Grandma‘s Kitchen Table in a Thrift Store, It Made Me Cry

Note:  A real story shared with me by one of my millennial followers. "My grandma loved that table! Why didn’t I accept it when she offered it to me last year while she was still alive? ~ Zach It breaks my heart that I was too preoccupied with my own life to listen to her [...]

Embracing The Ups, The Downs, And the Emotions of Becoming an Empty Nester

It’s the first day your young adult child moved out of the house. You look around and the house feels so empty. You even miss the dirty socks on the floor, the loud music playing upstairs, and the dirty dishes often left in the sink. You’re lonely. You’re sad. You’re filled with so many emotions [...]

5 Minimalist Decluttering Checklists to Help You Finally Find Your Glasses

You won’t believe how these 5 decluttering checklists are revolutionizing the way people are approaching and succeeding at decluttering their homes and simplifying their lives! If you are overwhelmed by clutter and searching for ways to live a simpler life with less stuff and less stress, these 5 decluttering checklists might be the solution you [...]

How to Overcome the 3 Toughest Challenges When Decluttering Your Home

If you are just beginning your decluttering journey, or if you are right in the middle of it, you’re likely experiencing a few challenges along the way. And if you’re like most of us, these challenges can either stop you or slow you down, preventing you from making the progress you’d really like to be [...]


BY RITA WILKINS MAY 13, 2024 LIFESTYLE There was a time when heirs were excited to receive their parents’ and grandparents’ most prized possessions. Their fine bone china, lead crystal, and sterling silver were not only welcomed but proudly displayed and regularly used. If we didn’t have room in our homes, we either passed them on to relatives [...]

9 Quick Ways to Kickstart or Restart Your Decluttering Journey

Decluttering Your Home Is an Enormous Task It’s easy to feel intimidated and overwhelmed by the enormity of the task. So how do you get started or get restarted? Try These 9 Quick and Easy Strategies to Start or Continue Your Decluttering Journey: 1.  Start small. It’s been proven that by starting small with just [...]

How Decluttering in My 60s Changed My Life (And How It Can Change Yours Too!)

The Clutter Mystery Did you know that, according to a University of California study, the average American home has over 300,000 items in it? 300,000 items! No wonder Americans are stressed out by the amount of stuff in their homes. No wonder we are having difficulty concentrating, focusing, and getting things done. No wonder one [...]

Rita’s Minimalist Wardrobe Decluttering Checklist

While packing for a trip recently, I realized how much I dread packing! It shouldn’t be this hard, but even though I was looking forward to my vacation, forward to my vacation, I found myself overwhelmed by my cluttered, disorganized closets. I struggled to find the things I wanted to pack, which led to so [...]

Minimalist Decluttering With Minimalist Essentials 

How Can I Become A Minimalist?  Do you love minimalist design, but struggle to incorporate it into your own home? Do you find you have too much stuff and not enough space in your home? Would you like to learn how to get rid of clutter, how to let go of items, and how to [...]

5 Downsides to Downsizing

If you are considering downsizing, this blog is intended to help you weigh some pros and cons before you make such a big decision.  As the “Downsizing Designer,” I’m frequently asked if there are downsides to downsizing. The short answer is downsizing may or may not be right for you. It all depends. The truth [...]

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