Downsizing for Baby Boomers posts by Rita Wilkins. Rita is a renowned expert in decluttering and minimalism, empowering individuals to simplify their lives through practical tips and resources, while also captivating audiences as a professional speaker and author.

Closet Decluttering: 5 Key Questions to Curate Your Wardrobe 

[Embed YouTube Video:] Hi, I’m Rita Wilkins, the Downsizing Designer, and welcome to the extended companion blog to my “Five in Five” video series. In this blog, we’ll dive deeper into five essential questions to help you edit your closet effectively and build a wardrobe that makes you feel amazing. It’s September, which [...]

5 Reasons Why a Simple Life with Less Is One of the Best Gifts You Can Ever Give Yourself

The busy holiday season is almost here. Will this year be like holidays past, where you’re so caught up in preparing, shopping, and wrapping gifts that there’s little time left to simply enjoy it? Have you been wondering what life would be like if it were just simpler? Less cluttered? Less overwhelming? Less stressful? Imagine [...]

Your Space Reflects Your Intentions: Decluttering for Purposeful Living 

Hi, I’m Rita Wilkins, the Downsizing Designer. Today, I want to talk about something that is at the heart of both decluttering and minimalism: intention. When you think about your home, ask yourself this: Is it a space that reflects the life you want to live? Or is it filled with things that no longer [...]

Etiquette of Regifting: 3 Ways to Do It Mindfully and Graciously

There was a time when regifting felt like a taboo subject—something you’d whisper about, but never openly admit to doing. But now, as many years have passed, I’ve learned that regifting can be a truly thoughtful gesture, a way of sharing joy, and, yes, reducing the clutter in our lives. But it has to be [...]

Leave a Lasting Legacy: It’s What We Do, Not What We Have

By Rita Wilkins July 21, 2024  Leaving a lasting legacy is not about the material possessions we accumulate, but rather the impact we make through our actions. The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories. It’s what we do, not what we have, that will create a lasting legacy. When you think back on your [...]

Minimalism and Relationships: How Less Stuff Means More Love

In this blog, I’d like you to consider challenging yourself to declutter your life and discover how having fewer possessions can lead to more love and happiness. When you embrace minimalism, or living with less, it brings more connection and love into our lives. We’re told that success is measured by the number of things [...]

3 Most Important Things You Can Do to Keep It Simple This Summer (It’s Not Too Late!)

When you were a kid, summertime meant fun and freedom: Freedom from schoolwork and getting up early. Freedom to play outside all day with your friends. Freedom to go to new places and enjoy family vacations. As an adult, are you due for some of the same feelings of freedom this summer? Freedom from too [...]


BY RITA WILKINS JUNE 26, 2024 LIFESTYLE A few weeks ago, I produced a YouTube video that went viral, “Mom, Thanks but No Thanks: The Rebellion Against Family Heirlooms.” Watched by tens of thousands of millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers alike, it struck a chord and became a great conversation starter between parents and their kids about what [...]


BY RITA WILKINS MAY 13, 2024 LIFESTYLE There was a time when heirs were excited to receive their parents’ and grandparents’ most prized possessions. Their fine bone china, lead crystal, and sterling silver were not only welcomed but proudly displayed and regularly used. If we didn’t have room in our homes, we either passed them on to relatives [...]

9 Quick Ways to Kickstart or Restart Your Decluttering Journey

Decluttering Your Home Is an Enormous Task It’s easy to feel intimidated and overwhelmed by the enormity of the task. So how do you get started or get restarted? Try These 9 Quick and Easy Strategies to Start or Continue Your Decluttering Journey: 1.  Start small. It’s been proven that by starting small with just [...]

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