Wake-it-up posts by Rita Wilkins. Rita is a renowned expert in decluttering and minimalism, empowering individuals to simplify their lives through practical tips and resources, while also captivating audiences as a professional speaker and author.

Start This Decluttering Course Today 

Are You Ready To Get Started Decluttering?  You don’t have to live with unwanted and unnecessary clutter. You can start your decluttering journey today. Hi, I’m Rita Wilkins. I’m also known as the Downsizing Designer. After getting rid of 90% of what I once owned, I live with more time, money, and freedom to do [...]

Wake It Up, Shake It Up Today! 

Are You Tired Of Feeling Discontent With Your Life?  Shaking feelings of discontentment can be difficult. You find you’re not satisfied with your life, that you miss the days when you felt on fire and motivated to do anything. However, you’re not sure how to shake off your discontentment. You don’t know where to start [...]

Do You Want To Declutter Your Thoughts? 

Are You Tired Of Living With Cluttered Thoughts?  We all know how stressful it can be to live with clutter in our homes. How much more stressful is it, though, to live with a cluttered mind? Hi, I’m Rita Wilkins, also known as the Downsizing Designer. I’ve known many people who wanted to get started [...]

Do You Feel Disconnected And Disengaged? 

How Can I Stop Feeling Disconnected And Disengaged From My Life?  Do you feel discontent with your life? Do you miss the days when you felt motivated, when nothing could stop you? Are you overwhelmed by how disconnected and disengaged you feel? Do you wish you could make a change, but don’t know how you [...]

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