Personal growth posts by Rita Wilkins. Rita is a renowned expert in decluttering and minimalism, empowering individuals to simplify their lives through practical tips and resources, while also captivating audiences as a professional speaker and author.

When I Saw Grandma‘s Kitchen Table in a Thrift Store, It Made Me Cry

Note:  A real story shared with me by one of my millennial followers. "My grandma loved that table! Why didn’t I accept it when she offered it to me last year while she was still alive? ~ Zach It breaks my heart that I was too preoccupied with my own life to listen to her [...]

7 Proven Methods to Personalize and Expedite Your Decluttering Journey

You are on the right track! You’ve experienced the benefits of decluttering. You are committed to living a simple life with less, but you’re looking for ways to refine and improve the decluttering process so it’s sustainable. Read this article from Forbes by Joshua Becker: The Top 9 Expert Strategies To Declutter Your Home How [...]

My Top 7 Summer Reads on Living A Simpler Life with Less

If you’re like me, you always have a book in your hand because there’s always something new to learn.  As the “Downsizing Designer,” I think I have read and reread almost every book that’s been written on downsizing, decluttering, lifestyle design, minimalism and organizing. This summer, I decided to select my top 7 books in [...]

By |2023-08-03T10:27:45+00:00August 2nd, 2023|8 Decluttering Methods., baby boomer downsizing, Baby Boomers, decluttering tips, how to declutter, living in smaller spaces, Minimalist Decluttering, motivation, personal growth|Comments Off on My Top 7 Summer Reads on Living A Simpler Life with Less

Fast For This Holiday Decluttering Bundle Deal! 

Learn Decluttering Minimalist Tips And Tricks Today  While many people may want to learn how to lead a more minimalist lifestyle or how to declutter their homes, figuring out how isn’t always easy. After all, you may not even know how to get started decluttering. You may not know how to stay motivated to declutter. [...]

Learn About Minimalism At Your Own Pace 

Do You Want to Learn More About Minimalism And Decluttering?  If you’re interested in a minimalist lifestyle and minimalist design but have no idea how to start making use of minimalist ideas if your life, you’re not alone. To live a minimalist lifestyle, you will likely need to declutter your home, which can be a [...]

Top 8 Lessons I Learned from My Mom About Keeping It Simple

By Rita WilkinsThe Downsizing Designer Have you ever sat down to make a list of all of the things you learned from your mother? In all of these years, I’ve never actually made a list, but once I got started, I couldn’t stop! So far, I have 73 items on my list. I was amazed [...]

It’s March: Wake It Up, Shake It Up! Shake Off the Seasonal Malaise

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer When was the last time you were on fire? Nothing or no one was going to stop you! You knew what you wanted and you were going for it, designing the life you love! You were going to do whatever it took to have what you wanted. It could [...]

By |2023-03-13T11:32:11+00:00March 17th, 2022|Baby Boomers, bucket list, how do i get rid of stuff, lifestyle, motivation, personal growth, Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer., simplicity, simplify your life, Start Your Good Life, time, travel, trending|Comments Off on It’s March: Wake It Up, Shake It Up! Shake Off the Seasonal Malaise

Committing To your Downsizing Journey 

Downsizing For Baby Boomers  Baby boomers, have you considered that downsizing many be the way to get the simpler, happier life you’ve desired? My name is Rita Wilkins. After I began my own downsizing journey and gave away 95% of what I once owned, I realized I was left with more time, money, and freedom to do [...]

Downsizing And Decluttering For Empty Nesters 

Baby Boomers, Do You Need To Declutter Your Life?  I’m Rita Wilkins, The Downsizing Designer. In my experience, many baby boomers find that, after a life of collecting things, souvenirs, and gifts, they simply have too much stuff! I once had too much stuff, as well. I simplified my life by downsizing and decluttering. I gave away 95% [...]

Forgotten What Day of the Week It Is? Maybe It’s Time for a New Adventure

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer Have you found yourself asking what day of the week it is? After a year of wearing masks, not being able to travel to see family and friends, there’s no wonder it all seems like a big blur. And FYI, you are not alone! So many people I talk [...]

By |2023-03-13T11:32:08+00:00June 17th, 2021|A Peek into Your Good Life, freedom, lifestyle, personal growth, simplicity, simplify your life, Starting the Good Life, travel, trending|Comments Off on Forgotten What Day of the Week It Is? Maybe It’s Time for a New Adventure
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