Empty nest decluttering posts by Rita Wilkins. Rita is a renowned expert in decluttering and minimalism, empowering individuals to simplify their lives through practical tips and resources, while also captivating audiences as a professional speaker and author.

Etiquette of Regifting: 3 Ways to Do It Mindfully and Graciously

There was a time when regifting felt like a taboo subject—something you’d whisper about, but never openly admit to doing. But now, as many years have passed, I’ve learned that regifting can be a truly thoughtful gesture, a way of sharing joy, and, yes, reducing the clutter in our lives. But it has to be [...]

Are Our Vintage Heirlooms Truly Priceless Treasures, or Could They Be Considered Timeless Traps?

This is a question that sparks debates and conversations within families of all generations. Some argue that vintage heirlooms hold a special place in our hearts and serve as a tangible connection to our ancestors and family histories. They have been passed down through generations, carrying emotional value that can’t be measured. To some, our [...]

5 Minimalist Decluttering Checklists to Help You Finally Find Your Glasses

You won’t believe how these 5 decluttering checklists are revolutionizing the way people are approaching and succeeding at decluttering their homes and simplifying their lives! If you are overwhelmed by clutter and searching for ways to live a simpler life with less stuff and less stress, these 5 decluttering checklists might be the solution you [...]

A Solution for Dealing with Your Adult Kids’ Clutter

Are you feeling weighed down by the clutter in your home, including your adult children's stuff that's been taking up space for far too long? It's time to take control of your life and prioritize yourself, and downsizing to a smaller home may be the perfect solution. They Moved On, But Not Their Stuff As [...]

By |2023-11-06T10:11:32+00:00April 28th, 2023|Emotional Clutter, empty nest|Comments Off on A Solution for Dealing with Your Adult Kids’ Clutter

How To Combat Clutter and Become Your Own Clutter Boss

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer If you look around your house right now, is it filled with clutter? Clutter is that daily reminder that you probably own too much stuff and that slowly but surely, it is overtaking your house…and your life. There’s the obvious clutter… The dirty dishes on the kitchen table or [...]

What To Do When Your Kids Leave Home But Their Stuff Stays?

By Rita WilkinsThe Downsizing Designer For those of you who are decluttering, getting ready to downsize, or age-in-place, are you wondering how to get your adult kids to remove their stuff that might be sitting in their childhood bedrooms, your attic, garage, or basement? This is a real problem and an emotional one for many [...]

Minimalism And Decluttering 

Minimalism And Decluttering Go Hand In Hand  Are you interested in living a minimalist lifestyle? Do you want to try minimalist design in your home? Do you look around and find that you have far too much cluttering your home to try minimalist design as things are now? Don’t worry – I can teach you [...]

How to Emotionally Let Go of Sentimental Clutter

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer Do you hold onto things that are sentimental to you because you are afraid if you let go of them, you will lose the memories associated with them? Several years ago, after our mom and dad passed away, my siblings and I were cleaning out their home… The home [...]

3 Must-Haves if You Want to Succeed in Decluttering and Downsizing

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer If you are reading this blog, you are likely interested in how to successfully Declutter or Downsize and perhaps both. I’m sharing 3 of the must-have mindsets if you want to be successful on your decluttering and downsizing journey. Just like any other big project you have taken on [...]

Don’ts and Dos of Downsizing in Your 60s

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer If you are in your 60s, you might be thinking a lot about downsizing and decluttering: Moving to a smaller home. Preparing your home for aging in place. Getting your home and your life in order “just in case” something happens. Or maybe you just want a different kind [...]

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