Home Decorating posts by Rita Wilkins. Rita is a renowned expert in decluttering and minimalism, empowering individuals to simplify their lives through practical tips and resources, while also captivating audiences as a professional speaker and author.

Decluttering for a Fresh Start: Embrace the New Year with Minimalism 

As the calendar flips to a new year, we’re often filled with a sense of possibility—a chance to reset, reimagine, and refocus. It’s a natural time for reflection and goal-setting, but one of the most transformative resolutions you can make is to declutter your life. Decluttering isn’t just about tidying your home; it’s about creating [...]

The Emotional Cost of Clutter: How Letting Go Lifts Invisible Weights 

Hi, I’m Rita Wilkins, the Downsizing Designer. Today, I want to talk about something that often gets overlooked when we think about clutter: the emotional toll it takes on us. We don’t always realize how much energy our possessions can drain from us until we begin letting go. Decluttering isn’t just about creating physical space—it’s [...]

3 Most Important Things You Can Do to Keep It Simple This Summer (It’s Not Too Late!)

When you were a kid, summertime meant fun and freedom: Freedom from schoolwork and getting up early. Freedom to play outside all day with your friends. Freedom to go to new places and enjoy family vacations. As an adult, are you due for some of the same feelings of freedom this summer? Freedom from too [...]

How Decluttering in My 60s Changed My Life (And How It Can Change Yours Too!)

The Clutter Mystery Did you know that, according to a University of California study, the average American home has over 300,000 items in it? 300,000 items! No wonder Americans are stressed out by the amount of stuff in their homes. No wonder we are having difficulty concentrating, focusing, and getting things done. No wonder one [...]

How To Get Started Decluttering With Minimalist Essentials 

The Best Way To Get Started Decluttering  Decluttering your home may seem like a daunting task to start with – but it’s not a task you have to accomplish all by yourself! If you’re feeling stuck and wondering how to get started decluttering, you’re in the right place. You can learn how to let go [...]

By |2024-03-10T22:05:39+00:00March 1st, 2024|8 Decluttering Methods., decluttering tips, Home Decorating, how to declutter, minimalism and decluttering, Minimalist Decluttering, quick start decluttering, redecorating tips|Comments Off on How To Get Started Decluttering With Minimalist Essentials 

Minimalist Essentials: How To Become A Minimalist

Get Rid Of Clutter – Get Started Decluttering Today  Are you overwhelmed by the clutter in your home? Do you wish you didn’t have to live with too much stuff and not enough space? Good news! You can learn how to get started decluttering today through helpful minimalist decluttering tips.  Teaching You The Minimalist Essentials  [...]

Embrace Minimalist Lifestyle: 10 Warning Signs You Have Too Much Stuff!

This topic, 10 Warning Signs You Have Too Much Stuff was inspired by a desperate call I received a few weeks ago from a woman who finally realized the clutter was a real issue in her life and that she had been denying it, even ignoring it until… One night she drove up to her [...]

Prepare For The Future With Decluttering 

Decluttering Helps You Prepare For The Future  Do you look around your home and realize a lifetime’s worth of clutter has built up? Are you preparing to simplify your life through downsizing? Do you need to learn how to get started decluttering so you can live a life with more money, time, and freedom to [...]

Fast For This Holiday Decluttering Bundle Deal! 

Learn Decluttering Minimalist Tips And Tricks Today  While many people may want to learn how to lead a more minimalist lifestyle or how to declutter their homes, figuring out how isn’t always easy. After all, you may not even know how to get started decluttering. You may not know how to stay motivated to declutter. [...]

Want To Declutter Before The Holidays? 

How Can I Get Started On Decluttering?  Do you look around your home and feel frustrated by the clutter? Do you think you’d feel less stressed if only you could get rid of some of the clutter? Are you uncertain how to begin your decluttering journey?  Hi, I’m Rita Wilkins, the Downsizing Designer. Once, I [...]

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