Engage in your life posts by Rita Wilkins. Rita is a renowned expert in decluttering and minimalism, empowering individuals to simplify their lives through practical tips and resources, while also captivating audiences as a professional speaker and author.

Books I Love to Read and To Give (Bonus: Clutter-Free Gift Ideas for The Minimalist in Your Life)

The holidays are here and you might be looking for a few gift ideas for people on your list who are trying to declutter… not add clutter to their lives. For me, books are my go-to gifts whether hardback, paperback, or audio. If you have a reader on your list, I’ve compiled a short but [...]

5 Types of Emotional Clutter That Prevent Us from Decluttering

Physical clutter is one thing, but emotional clutter is quite another! It’s easy to recognize physical clutter because we can see it. It clutters our countertops and desktops. It messes up our closets and dresser drawers. It is on full display in our garage and then in our basement. But emotional clutter is not visible, [...]

Help! I Can’t Stop Holding Onto “Just In Case Stuff”

We are probably all guilty of holding onto some things “just in case” we might need them or want them. I get it! I’m guilty too! I still have a hard time getting rid of my business suits although I rarely wear them anymore. Sometimes we DO need to be prepared in the event that [...]

It’s Decluttering Season: Top 3 Secrets to Help You Love Your Home Again!

Embrace the Beauty of Autumn It’s fall. A new season. It’s time to enjoy being outside in nature, taking long walks and just enjoying the magnificent color of autumn leaves. It’s also a time when on the first rainy day we might scramble to change out clothing in our closets from summer to winter. And [...]

Top 4 Ways to Overcome Guilt When Decluttering

Are you guilty of feeling guilty when you are decluttering your home? If so, you’re definitely not alone.   Many people wonder why they feel so guilty and they also wonder how to stop feeling that way because it can really slow you down and even stop your progress completely.   Why do we feel [...]

By |2023-08-29T13:00:47+00:00August 29th, 2023|baby boomer downsizing, Downsizing In Your 60s, Emotional Clutter, engage in yourlife, how do i get rid of stuff, how to declutter|Comments Off on Top 4 Ways to Overcome Guilt When Decluttering

How to Help Declutter Your Parents’ Home Before They Die

By Rita WilkinsThe Downsizing Designer There’s always more than one side to a story. That’s why it’s important to have conversations and listen to each other’s points of view so you can learn from each other and come up with mutually agreeable solutions. What am I referring to? How can you help your parents declutter [...]

Lifestyle Design: What Is It? How Does It Work?

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer Let me ask you a question. Did you jump out of bed today so excited about doing work you love, being with people you love, and doing what lights you up? Or Did you have to drag yourself out of bed, dreading going to a job you can’t stand, [...]

How To Combat Clutter and Become Your Own Clutter Boss

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer If you look around your house right now, is it filled with clutter? Clutter is that daily reminder that you probably own too much stuff and that slowly but surely, it is overtaking your house…and your life. There’s the obvious clutter… The dirty dishes on the kitchen table or [...]

A Minimalist Home: 6 Minimalist Decluttering Tips for Curating Your Home

By Rita Wilkins The Downsizing Designer Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones. You’ve already downsized to a smaller, more manageable home and in the process, you got rid of a lot of the things that you no longer wanted, needed, or used. Like all of those boxes in the basement or attic that [...]

How To Start Over in Your 60s: A New Minimalist Lifestyle

By Rita WilkinsThe Downsizing Designer Are you at a new stage of your life and you want or need to start all over? If you’re in your 60s, you might be an empty nester. Your house feels empty (although a little less cluttered.) You might be wondering “what’s next?” If you’re retired or pre-retired, you [...]

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