By Rita Wilkins
The Downsizing Designer

I just got off the phone with a new decluttering and downsizing client.

Before we hung up, she thanked me profusely and then said, “I feel better already even though we haven’t even started! I already feel a huge sense of relief.”

Why did she feel so relieved?

Knowing that she took one big step:

  • To make that phone call

  • To admit she needs help

  • To acknowledge that she was overwhelmed and didn’t know where or how to get started

During our call she told me:

She has been going around in circles with her decluttering, not making any noticeable progress.

She would start decluttering one area, get stuck, then go onto another area, never accomplishing anything of consequence.

When I asked her if she had a decluttering goal, a plan, a strategy, a timeline to accomplish her decluttering, or even a particular decluttering method that works for her lifestyle and her schedule, she said “no”. Then I asked if I could help her create a game plan to help her get started. She asked me if I would work with her to develop a plan and strategy that she could then implement on her own.

She’s excited because she’s ready. She’s committed to following through with her plan so she can experience not only the peace of mind that comes from a clutter-free home but also a sense of control of her life and a big accomplishment.

In working with her,

  • She will have weekly goals and strategies that we will share with her husband and kids.

  • She will have a decluttering plan and timeline that they as a family can begin to implement together.

  • She will practice using various decluttering methods so she can find one that works best for her family schedule and their busy lifestyle.

A child reading a book in his room.

Photo by: MoneySavingMom


  • She will have our home decluttering checklist that will help keep her and her family on track during and after their decluttering journey.

I’m sharing this conversation with you because in September, I will be launching a new in-person workshop and an online workshop where I will teach you the exact steps that I use with my one-on-one clients.

I will be opening up registration in mid-July. If you wish to get on our list to receive an invitation to this event, please email me at

In the meanwhile, if you would like to get started with my home decluttering checklist go to my website shopping cart.

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