Rita Wilkins Decluttering and minimalism blog
A person using a decluttering checklist to become clutter free

Experience the Power of a Decluttering Calendar

In the bustling rhythm of daily life, managing clutter in our homes can be a daunting task. Yet, the benefits of a decluttered space are undeniable--ranging from reduced stress to increased productivity. How can one keep on top of this seemingly Sisyphean task? The answer might be simpler than you ...
An image of a baby boomer woman who is living a simpler and minimalist life after decluttering and downsizing.

Simplify Your Life in Just 3 Easy Steps

In this blog I’m going to show you how to simplify your life in just 3 easy steps. You will not believe the difference it can make in living a simpler, more balanced, and more peaceful life! If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the overabundance of clutter in ...

Minimalist & Decluttering: How To Live A Simpler Life 

Less Is More – Living A Simpler, Minimalist Lifestyle It’s a commonly held belief in our part of the world that bigger is always better. Many of us have found ourselves in a position where we always feel we need more. What if more isn’t always better, though? What if ...
An image of boxes full of items that have been decluttered from a home.

7 Proven Methods to Personalize and Expedite Your Decluttering Journey

You are on the right track! You’ve experienced the benefits of decluttering. You are committed to living a simple life with less, but you’re looking for ways to refine and improve the decluttering process so it’s sustainable. Read this article from Forbes by Joshua Becker: The Top 9 Expert Strategies ...
An image of a baby boomer woman who is overwhelmed by downsizing and decluttering her big home.

Decluttering Tips: How To Know What To Take With You When You Move 

Live A Simpler Life With The Help Of Minimalist Decluttering Tips  Are you overwhelmed? Do you feel you have too much stuff, not enough space? Are you tired of finding clutter everywhere you turn? Do you wish you could declutter, but you’re not sure how to get rid of items? ...
Rita embracing minimalism journey to simplicity 01

Minimalist Essentials Teaches You How To Live With Less 

Overcome Cluttering Challenges And Choose A Minimalist Lifestyle Does the idea of decluttering your home seem overwhelming? Are you tired of living with clutter, but you’re not sure how to get started decluttering? Are you ready to learn how to let go of items and live with less? If so, ...
An image of a box filled with items to declutter to prepare for downsizing life.

Expert Tips and Strategies for Downsizing and Decluttering

Whether you are wanting to downsize to a smaller home and retirement, or to simply declutter the home you currently live in, the process can be overwhelming especially if you’re just starting out. These expert tips and strategies that I cover in this video and blog will help guide you ...
An image of a woman who is living her minimalist lifestyle in her clutter-free home.

Minimalist Decluttering Tips: The Art Of Letting Go

Minimalism And Letting Go Of Items Do you find yourself surrounded by overwhelming clutter in your home? Are you eager to learn how to declutter your home and let go of items? You’re not the first to struggle with getting started on your decluttering goals – but you don’t have ...
An image of different ways on how you can have clutter-free zones in your home.

5-Minute Strategies and Hacks to Create Clutter-Free Zones

If you were asked to name the top 3 most cluttered drop zones in your home, what might they be? To give you a hint, they are areas of your home where you and your family automatically drop things out of habit, almost unconsciously. Examples of clutter-catching areas 1. Items ...